
Country Leader
David Geraldo
Email –
Email –
Phone # – 258 847 392 588
WhatsApp – 258 842 566 666
Contact me if you are interest in joining us.
David Geraldo is the interim Country Leader for Mozambique. He is married and has four children. He has been an Anglican pastor since 2000. In 2018 when he attended a promotion held by T-Net in Muputo. I have come to realize that there is a difference between “knowing and being”. This is what touches me about T-Net. It teaches us how to be intentional in our disciple making with a commitment to finish the Great Commission. The Covid-19 pandemic slowed up our growth but are looking forward to a great 2021. There are 120 students as of Feb. 2021 with 5 centers. T-Net started in Mozambique in 2019. We hope to be at 350 students by the end of 2021. We are teaching our centers in Portuguese.

Teleo University
In partnership with T-Net International, Teleo University offers degrees while equipping church leaders to finish the Great Commission.
Testimonial from Pastor student
I am a pastor or two small Anglican churches on the outskirts of Maputo. I started taking T-Net courses in 2019 and the training on disciple-making has transformed my life and the life of my church. I also believe T-Net International training will transform Mozambique.
Luis Vasco
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