
Country Leader
Eugene Chinunga
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Phone # – 265 99 998 6308
WhatsApp # – 260763299319
Contact me if you are interest in joining us.
I am Bishop Eugene Chinunga, Zambian by nationality, serving in Malawi as a MISSIONARY for 22 years. Am married to Jean Chinunga for 26 years now and God has blessed us with 6 children of our own, whom we love dearly. I am the founder of Integrity Family Churches International and Country Director of T-Network International, Malawi office.
I became involved with T-Net as a church in 2017. I want to see the Great Commission completed in Malawi in my lifetime. T-Net has the training tools, coaching and commitment to see this accomplished
There are at February 2021. 958 active students with 85 training centers. We are expecting 1,500 students by the end of 2021. We use English and Chichewa translations in the trainings. T-Net has been operating in Malawi for almost 4 years.

Teleo University
In partnership with T-Net International, Teleo University offers degrees while equipping church leaders to finish the Great Commission.
Testimonial from Pastor student
“My name is Charles Peter Maganga a Pastor at Hope Christian Church, a born-again believer married to Chrissie. I was recruited in T-Net by missionary Pastor Ngo in 2016 at area 6 training Center and graduated with degree in 2019.
Since I joined T-Net International I have personally spiritually benefited, the ministry am leading and other Pastoral groups am belonging. Once I finished course one I started implementing all the steps in our ministry each member in our ministry learned how to win souls and disciple them to maturity level of making other disciple. Leadership is no longer a problem. Our usual giving was increased by over 100%. Because of the stewardship training we have received from T-Net. We adopted the Eastern Region of Malawi and have begun several training centers there.
T-Net had helped and taught me another skill of recruitment. I am very happy to say during our cohort even as of now I had recruited over 50 students in Malawi. I have gone out many places to promote T-Net which has also helped our ministry growth. The persuasive essays in tier two are very much helpful in developing communication skill. T-Net International had helped me become a good teacher.
T-Net has shaped my teaching skills, raised my level of competence, academic excellence and influence among Pastoral fraternity and community. It had taught me commitment and work without maximum supervision.”
Pastor Maganga
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