
Country Leader
Johnson Ndiformumbe Zambou
Email –
Phone: 237 677 45 1273
Contact me if you are interest in joining us.
I grew up in a mixed family of Moslems and Christians, but I gave my life to Christ in 1990 and was called into ministry four years later. I got involved w/ T-Net in 2006 and after my graduation, I started the first ever T-Net 1G center in a French speaking African country of Togo in June 2009. By 2010, I was made the Country Director till present. T-Net has been a wonderful blessing to the participating churches in Cameroon in general and to me in particular! Ever since I got involved in T-Net, my life and ministry has never been the same as the training has changed me. In fact, the training is intentionally Bible-based, practical, community oriented & involving the congregation for a holistic ministry exploits in the order of Jesus! There are 203 students and 19 centers at Feb. 2021 but are anticipating that Cameroon will have 550 Students with 30 centers by the end of 2021. We grew to over 700 students by 2016 but due to government persecution in the Anglo speaking sections of Cameroon, many T-Net centers were disrupted but we are now overcoming this and seeing new growth again. Contact me if you are interested.

Teleo University
In partnership with T-Net International, Teleo University offers degrees while equipping church leaders to finish the Great Commission.
Testimonial from Pastor student
Our Church has benefitted so much from T-Net International Training. After training 17 major leaders from two assemblies of our district to train in the Follow Me Phase of disciple-making, they were deployed to lead the 3 Come and See groups and 3 Follow Me groups while ascertaining their own growth in a Be With Me group in a church of about 120 members. Each of these groups had not more than 17 members. After creating our recipe and involving the congregation and more groups were established, we started noticing great numerical and spiritual growth to the extend we extended the exercise to a daughter church we planted after course 4. Personally I have grown in the ministry and my perspective has been enlarge for the finishing of the Great Commission. I’m grateful God for my trainers, the national and international leadership and above all to God, who has called us and given us this mandate! T-Net works!!
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